This story will help you to create your first MetaMask wallet in Android, Laptop

Step By Step


MetaMask is a cryptocurrency wallet where you can store any cryptocurrency and NFTs.

One can use MetaMask wallet in android mobile, laptop, desktop, IOS. Through metamask wallet user can easily buy, send and swap crypto.


1. You can go to and then choose options Android, iOS for mobile application and select chrome for desktop. 2. One can also go directly to the google play store, chrome store or apple app store.

3. To create Metamask wallet first you need to download the MetaMask app from the play store. You can see a icon of dog will show on the metamask wallet, click on install. 4. It will ask where to install MetaMask as per your device, if you are android user click on android

5. After that you will get two options 1st import using secret recovery phase and 2nd Create a new wallet, click on create a new wallet. 6. Now create password option will come on your mobile screen. Create a strong password of minimum 8 words with upper and lower case along with special characters.

7. You can login by this password on this particular device only so do take care of your device. 8. Now check the I understand box and click on create password. Remember, this password cant be recover so keep it safe in your personal diary.

9. Now you will see secure your wallet option on your screen. Click on start button at the bottom and you can see manual for guidance. 10. After clicking on start button it will ask for finger print. Touch your finger and you will reach secret recovery phrase option.

11. There will be view option, tap on view and you will see 12 words (important), note down these words in your safe diary or notepad. 12. After noting the words click on continue option.

13. Now you have to confirm secret recovery phrase by selecting all 12 words which you have just noted in your diary. Select all these 12 words according to serial number.

14. Finally click on complete backup button and you will see congratulations screen.

Yellow Location Pin
Light Yellow Arrow

That’s it your MetaMask wallet is created now.