What is cryptocurrency Cryptocurrency is a digital or virtual currency in the form of files that can be used for online payments.


What is cryptocurrency wallet address?

Cryptocurrency wallet is an online app where you can hold your cryptocurrencies.

What is cryptocurrency wazirx?

Wazirx is basically a wallet or crypto exchange through which one can sell or purchase crypto coins.

What is the minimum amount required to buy cryptocurrency?

Minimum amount to buy bitcoin or any cryptocurrency in India is Rs 100

What is the price of 1 bitcoin in Indian Rupees?

The price of any crypto or bitcoin is not fix and it keeps moving frequently. Price of 1 bitcoin fluctuating between Rs 31 lakh to 45 lakh in past 1 year

What is the price of 1 btc in dollars?

The current price of 1 bitcoin in dollars is $42,915.30 USD but it may go up and down within few days because cryptocurrencies are frequently fluctuating currencies.